This practical series of books has been guiding U.S. exporters and importers through successive Incoterms® revisions since 1993.
Incoterms® Rules for Americans® has been thoroughly rewritten for Incoterms® 2020 rules, and was included as a teaching material in the highly acclaimed seminar series instructed by the author under ICC auspices. It describes each rule in the context of U.S. business practice both for international and domestic trade in clear American business English. Each rule is explained from the viewpoint of seller and buyer, complete with real-life applications and matching proforma invoice illustrations. There is also a match-up with the U.S. Uniform Commercial Code (§2-319 through 2-324) shipment and delivery terms.
Frank Reynolds is America’s foremost Incoterms® expert, having represented the United States for the Incoterms® 2000, 2010 and 2020 revisions. He holds a U.S. customs broker license and has served thirteen terms on the U.S. Department of Commerce District Export Council. His company, International Projects, Inc., has received the Commerce Department’s E and E Star Awards for Excellence in Export Service.
Frank has written or coauthored eighteen books on trade-related topics including the ICC’s international trade dictionary A to Z of International Trade. He has also written hundreds of columns for such periodicals as the Journal of Commerce, The Exporter, Managing Exports and the ICC’s Documentary Credit Insight. Drawing on his 50-plus year international trade background, he illustrates the successful application of Incoterms® rules to sale-purchase contracts for exporters, importers and the service providers they engage.
This publication has not been produced or endorsed by the International Chamber of Commerce. Instead, it is written to explain the role of Incoterms® 2020 rules for Americans and those desiring to do business with us.